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Old 10-24-2020, 05:56 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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I love her saying how Tom's first wife Jane said that, aside from her (as his wife), Stevie was Tom's best friend.

Now, I wonder how people like say, oh, Mike Campbell feel about that? Or his assistant, Bugs, who in Tom's bio is unanimously cited as being the one person who went through EVERYTHING with Tom and knew all his secrets and never, ever betrayed them.

And it's interesting that it was his FIRST wife who said that... wonder what his current wife would think about that. I"m betting she feels like SHE herself was closer to Tom than either his first wife OR Stevie. Just sayin'.

Despit her self-aggrandizing delusions about feminism, she absolutely has lived most of her life according to the traditional gender roles that were in place when she was born in the 1940s and growing up in the 1950s. She still feels like men are the ones with power and therefore are the ones she wants to align herself with, emulate, and charm into letting her into their club. And she can flirt and get them to help her do the hard stuff, because she doesn't ever want to do the heavy lifting.

I love her comment about how those at the top of the success ladder are a very small, exclusive tribe, and how really she can only turn to and be understood by someone else who is at the top, breathing the rarified air she breathes.

Oy. The ego is so very strong with this one.
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