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Old 10-03-2020, 04:56 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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Originally Posted by SteveMacD View Post
“The darker side of “What Makes You Think You’re The One” was rooted in the lyrics and performance that revisited Lindsey’s feelings toward Stevie and their past as a couple, a breakup that was only two years old at this point. If there was any doubt of who the song was about, Lindsey did his best to imitate Stevie’s distinctive vibrato, giving it a bleating, goatlike quality, and her rudimentary piano playing, which he knew made her self-conscious. This only served to exacerbate Stevie’s feelings of mistreatment by her ex, in a very dysfunctional way that I was to discover directly from her. Stevie provocatively described her experience making Tusk as being like one of the hostages in Iran held by Lindsey as the Ayatollah Khomeini who had seized power of Studio D.” -Ken Caillat
He makes it sound like she said the Iran hostage part to him directly, which in theory she could have, but personally I highly doubt it. He's quoting pretty much verbatim what she said in a published interview around that time. His book (and those of Mick) very much rely on padding from published interviews which the "authors" then present as if they were there when these things were said. I take Ken with a major grain of salt, in particular given his bias regarding Lindsey. Sure, he was there, but if you believe him he was as wasted most of the time as the rest of them, and a lot of his attention would have been focused on technical issues....and given that band members declined to share their memories with him for his book he had to pull their thoughts from somewhere. I just don't get the sense that Ken was as "inside" the band members' (especially S&L) circle as, say, Richard.
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