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Old 09-01-2020, 11:19 AM
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aleuzzi aleuzzi is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by jmn3 View Post
Top 5 for me:
1. The Dance - they made this band cool for my generation and it was one of the first times I felt a musical connection with my parents. I listened to that cassette and the VHS so many times that I can still probably recite the entire thing including all the nonsense banter. I began my love of the band years earlier as a small child with Tango and then in my very early teens when my Mom asked for a Rumours cassette for Christmas one year, but The Dance brought my fandom to a complete other level. I still think Tusk and Don't Stop with the USC Marching Band was one of the coolest things ever. Big Love was actually stunning to see one man make that much noise with one guitar. Silver Springs was truly amazing. And I have a total soft spot for the banjo Say You Love Me.

2. The whole 1997-99 period with The Dance, the RRHOF, Behind the Music, Stevie's tour the following was overload and an incredible time to get into this band fully. There was so much beyond Rumours that I began to appreciate and despite not having a thing called YouTube yet, the internet was a wealth of knowledge and insight into the band.

3. Pittsburgh 3/1/2009 - first night of the tour. I sat to the right side of the stage, had very little insight into what the setlist was, and it was incredible. They were LOUD, a big rusty, and full of surprises (Monday Morning, I Know I'm Not Wrong, full-band Go Insane, Storms, a questionable Say You Love Me, OH FREAKING WELL, Silver Springs as the encore)

4. Christine's Return - seeing them again in Pittsburgh in 2014, when Chris started singing You Make Loving Fun and the audience just went insane, what a moment. And with 4 tracks from Tango played, it was like finally getting a Tango-era setlist.

5. This place. What a completely awesome source of information and laughs this site has been over the years. I lurked for probably 5 years and then started posting in the year leading up to SYW. I never got into the drama and have remained pretty low-key, but I have gotten so much out of this place.
I was at the Pittsburgh 2014 show. Drove down from NYS and made a weekend of it. Great show. People went nuts when Christine started to sing her first song of the set, featured directly after the opener. She was just so happy to be performing.

I saw them in Rochester in 2009 and was impressed with muscular performances by Buckingham, McVie, and Fleetwood. Oh Well kicked butt and the retooled arrangement of Tusk was killer. But Stevie seemed lost and disengaged throughout—until Stand Back, where she came alive, only to then recess again into a ghost-like haze.
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