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Old 08-16-2020, 09:20 PM
jmn3 jmn3 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by UnwindedDreams View Post
I'm in agreement that I think with people willing to pay the premium prices for shows, the live experience changed. You had the Stones sounding more like they were in a recording studio on the Steel Wheels/Urban Jungle Tour than on a stage. I will say, I think they really let loose on the Bigger Bang Tour and even some on the 50 & Counting Tour. I was at the show where they debuted Emotional Rescue and it sounded so FRESH.
Totally with you on the mini band too. I think in 89 they added Lisa, Bernard, Chuck. Now, I think they added more horns and they actually have 2 keyboard players. Maybe that was just to play She's a Rainbow
That’s just it - not to take this all Rolling Stones, but I think songs like Rainbow or Ruby Tuesday were only unearthed after ‘89 because of the “new” approach.

Bottom line is, everyone got older, the money got way more intense, and expectations changed. And with that came the doldrums that are Rhiannon since 1997 (piano intro as an exception), truncated blah versions of The Chain, and basic studio recreations that lack any oomph like Over My Head.
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