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Old 10-14-2019, 02:29 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by David View Post
I wonder whether any of these cats — inside the band or out — can remember much more of what went down than what they’ve already aired the last twenty years. Drug use + old age = bad memories. In the studio, the engineers were supposed to have notated everything very carefully: track data, instrumentation, dates, and so on. But it still gets jumbled up and spit out wrong in our various reissues (“It says here there’s a clavinet on Songbird.” No, there isn’t—somebody was high.)

Somebody writes that Lindsey threw a Les Paul at Stevie in New Zealand in 1980. But Lindsey doesn’t even remember enough to respond: “I wasn’t touring with a Les Paul in 1980. Your claim is a result of your brain on acid. Or perhaps it was projection: you wish I had thrown something heavy and electronic at her.”

Even Stevie is supposed to have journaled everything in her multivolume diary. Yet she can’t even remember why she wrote Sisters of the Moon, according to the Tusk deluxe.

It’s sweet seeing all the lovely little Polaroids Richard Dashut is posting. But why are they all dated “sometime in the 1970s”? Uh, d’uh.

No, I think these cats are finished with their stories. They may continue to share stories, but they’re probably concocting or free-associating. I think this band should can the books and just release old concerts. Old recordings never forget and never lie.
that's the problem.... the aforementioned drug problems/alcoholism sure show up in many of those recordings ... unless you spend months in the studio sweetening them up and re recording stuff.

You may be right in terms of the studio guys and their stories, but I'm sure there is soooo much dirt that remains untold. These people are not nice a lot of the time, and we've seen some glimpses of it in tales of what happened to people like Bob or Judy and in the way someone like Richard was (IMHO) ghosted for a long time by these people. And there was time when if you look closely at pics of Stevie (mostly like the 90s I think) where whenever she's out in public there are people next to her holding her up....when she wasn't doing really smart things like giving her full dose of Klonopin to Glenn to see what would happen...

I just think there's so much sordid, vile behavior with these people and I'm not sitting here waiting for it to be told, rather I just can't help but wonder how many secrets their entourage is keeping and when some one of them will decide to sell their true story. Maybe for the Netflix series...
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