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Old 09-20-2019, 08:49 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is online now
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Originally Posted by On Ice View Post
Christine had an amazing run from Tango through ITMT where her voice was crystal clear and had even better pitch than the heyday years where both she and Stevie were hit and miss, mostly due to the insane tour schedules.

Although a dark period for Stevie, her voice was much better on the BTM tour than Tango where she was basically a flat croak at least early on. Not so on BTM where she was clear and had a strong tone.

Overall, BTM I think was a big disappointment for the Mac as they had high hopes for it. In hindsight it was half really good and half boring and unmemorable, mostly due to the production. It would have been much better with Dashut and Calliat at the helm.
Agree on Nicks' voice. Agree on BTM.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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