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Old 03-27-2019, 10:18 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by bwboy View Post
Madonna is not known for her guitar playing, c'mon. But I agree she is definitely more important to the music industry than Stevie Nicks. Although Fleetwood Mac is more on par with Madonna, at least in importance to the music industry.

I'm not sure why you say groups don't count, or are different. Seems to me you're picking and choosing if you say the Supremes or Temptations can be inducted despite not playing a musical instrument, but Stevie shouldn't be. And Tina Turner will be inducted sometime, and I'm sure you'll be fine with that. The feeling I'm getting is you just hate Stevie, so that's why you brought up the instrument thing, as I'm sure you'll agree Tina should be inducted, despite not playing an instrument.

I wasn't aware Chrissie Hynde, Ann Wilson, or Nancy Wilson have released many solo albums, so I agree with you, it's not likely they'll ever be inducted for their solo work. The one significant thing about Steve being inducted as a solo artist is that the door will finally open for other women, including Diana Ross, even though she doesn't play an instrument, either. Or Cyndi Lauper, Belinda Carlisle, Florence Welch, Celine Dion, Gwen Stefani, Cher, and plenty of women who don't play an instrument, or aren't known for that. And I would include Madonna in that category. She may know how to play guitar, but that's not something she's well known for doing. To be clear, I'm not saying all the women I've listed deserve to be in the RRHOF, but there are a lot of women who are known primarily for their singing.

I don't really know how the RRHOF inductions work, but I'm sure you're right that, like every industry, money talks. Do you think Lindsey paid his share to be inducted with FM? And I really don't get what you mean by the significance of Stevie being inducted the same year FM fired Lindsey. It sounds like you're saying the music industry is rewarding her for that, which makes zero sense.
Think about who the promoters and the people that run the industry need to keep happy and maybe it will click for you.

Please don't tell me you think all of these things happened in a vacuum.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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