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Old 03-13-2019, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by blinker12 View Post
I vaguely recall reading something where she was displeased with him, but can’t remember the details. Was it his writing about their one night stand in his autobiography a few years back? We know Stevie doesn’t like kiss-and-tells.
Wasn’t over the book. I actually distinctly remember Dave’s story about her excerpt in his book because I thought it was so funny. I think he told the story on Howard Stern IIRC. He knew that she is not a fan of kiss & tell type books. So once he wrote the part about their night together, he called her and asked her permission before sending it to the publisher. She said she wanted to read it first. So he sent her those pages. She read them and immediately called back and corrected him, saying they actually had sex twice that night, not just once like he wrote in the book. Then she said “It’s all fine, you can publish it. In fact, I don’t care if you add more details. Just send them to me again before publishing.” So he took her up on that, re-wrote it with far more detail, and sent it to her again. She changed her mind when she read the second version, apparently it just went too far. So he published the original.

He definitely had her blessing every step of the way. She wouldn’t have gotten mad over it. It was 100% Stevie-approved.
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