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Old 01-07-2019, 02:54 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by cbBen View Post
Given Stevie's dislike for Lindsey (and perhaps vice versa), I don't understand how "Twisted" happened at all. Was it perhaps a trial run to see if the two of them could work together before committing to The Dance?
I have a SN/LB relationship with an ex. After we broke up, we fought another 2 years. Just to keep fighting.. then we didn't talk.. Then I moved on and found someone amazing. And he got a great job and toured with a company. Then we said we'd always be there no matter what... Then we got into even bigger fights after he was over the fact that I had a boyfriend going on 10 years. . until finally... I completely blocked him from everything.

14 years later, if I see him (which isn't often) we pretend the other isn't in the room.

So stuff like Twisted can happen because the roller coaster of hate is in full swing. Sometimes, we keep someone close so we can keep hurting them. Sometimes we remember the good times and try and re-live them.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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