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Old 12-01-2018, 12:07 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by jmn3 View Post
While loving her music for a huge part of my life, she wasn't what initially got me into Fleetwood Mac (that would've been Christine with Little Lies at the ripe old age of 6 and then Christine again with that banjo version of Say You Love Me, along with my parent's obsession with The Dance concert on TV when I was 16). The deeper I got into the band, the more I discovered all of the amazing songs and performances that Stevie put on (and Lindsey too of course). However, I've always thought she was simply an obnoxious person. Going back to The Dance era, I think during Behind the Music she compares being in Fleetwood Mac to being in the Army. Even as a stupid teenage boy who didn't know squat, I just felt that was such an overdramatic and eye rolling comment to make.

The Destiny Rules documentary did the woman no favors in my view - but once the Say You Will tour was long over and she went on to bash Lindsey for the album and tour, I really lost any respect I had for her. As she keeps getting older, she honestly just comes across to me as a bigger and bigger narciscistic jerk. She hates Lindsey, hates being in Fleetwood Mac, until she needs a huge fat paycheck. Face it, without The Dance and the insane popularity generated during that time, none of them would have made the money they did over the last 21 years. I was always able to look past their personal crap and enjoy the music which I did and still do love - but what went down since Christine came back, starting with Stevie's refusal to record ANYTHING with the band that gave her everything, has soured me for good on her.

She has become a bitter old woman who like most narcissists, finds a way to make every single event in some way about them. She's always being wronged by some big bad bully (be it Mick, Lindsey, producers, lovers, you name it). She's over-the-top dramatic all the time. She latches on to whatever or whomever is "cool" at the moment in some desperate attempt to remain relevant.

And while I love the music, it has impacted my enjoyment. I've found myself skipping over songs or turning stations when she comes on. It's stupid - Lindsey not being in Fleetwood Mac has done nothing for me except save me a couple hundo on show tickets - but for whatever reason, this year has been the absolute final straw. I know a lot of people here are hoping that this all leads to a huge "Dance Pt 2" reunion with Lindsey. I don't want that nor will I bother with it if it happened (I doubt it...not enough time left in the game for the wounds to heal and make it something interesting - they did that once already in 1997).
This is fantastic and covers so much of how I feel. I still do listen to her music to remember the person that I used to respect. But wow, this post is fantastic.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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