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Old 11-27-2018, 07:42 PM
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Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by Macfan4life View Post
Where is your review
We are waiting
LOL it's here at last!

First off, I have to thank Hawkeye... he was unable to make it to the show due to inclement weather, so he graciously left his 2nd row ticket for me at the box office. What a nice thing to do! Although I was disappointed he couldn't make it, as I was looking forward to meeting him, it was so classy of him to let me use his ticket. Thank you so much, Hawkeye!

Second, I'm sorry I didn't get to meet elle or any other Ledgies who may have been there. Not having internet access the entire time, I was unable to get on the Ledge. I should have given my phone number in a PM, but I didn't think far enough in advance to do that.

The concert was incredible. I had such a great time. I was so close, I could have gone up and strummed Lindsey's guitar during Go Your Own Way, but I didn't Not sure why, I guess I was a little intimidated.

The band was stellar, especially the bassist. I forgot his name, I think it was Francisco Pol or something like that. He and the whole band provided fantastic support to Lindsey, with some great background vocals, too. Better than what I expected, really. But that bassist was really awesome.

I loved the simple stage- great lights with a fog machine; what can I say, I've always been a sucker for a fog machine! It really created a great mood, or as Lindsey might say, a great vibe!

Lindsey rocked the house. A lot of musical highlights, but my favorites were mostly songs I didn't think I would like so much live. I wasn't a big fan of Go Insane, but live, it sounded great! Slow Dancing I found creepy when it first came out, for some reason- maybe it was the video, I don't know. But live, it sounded perfect and not creepy at all! Another surprise was I Must Go- again, this song was so much better live. Don't Look Down, Surrender the Rain, Holiday Road, and Down on Rodeo were also highlights for me. As far as his performance, I was a little surprised at how stationary he was. When I had seen him with Fleetwood Mac, he roamed the stage, but on his own, he stayed planted for a majority of the show. My guess is, since he's singing lead on every song, he has to stay by the Mike, or maybe it's because the stage is smaller, or maybe he's just getting older. Whatever the reason, it wasn't a problem, just something that surprised me. I loved it when he came closer to the audience and encouraged folks to come up front. Very nice.

Lindsey was very gracious and seemed really pleased by the crowd. He even seemed surprised by our love and affection, almost overwhelmed. The crowd was great. I have to say, in a theater that size, I can understand both sides of the "standing vs sitting" controversy. I was in the second row, with a perfect view, but there were two people who stood up in the row ahead of me, and wouldn't you know it- the girl standing completely blocked my view of Lindsey. I mean, completely! And the guy 2 seats down from her who also stood was blocking the people behind him. Between songs, some people said something very loudly and the guy sat down. A difficult situation. Fortunately, the girl who blocked my view did so for just 2 songs- the other times, I was either standing along with most of the crowd, or she sat down.

The fans I spoke to were all really nice and friendly. The guy next to me was exceptionally nice, he was very enthusiastic and fun to talk to. It was nice to be able to geek out with other like-minded people! He was an experienced concert goer but had never seen Lindsey live before. In fact, everyone I spoke to said this was their first time seeing Lindsey, and judging from their reactions during the concert, it won't be their last time.

If you're on the fence about seeing Lindsey, here's my advice- GO SEE HIM! You will love it!
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