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Old 10-31-2018, 10:22 PM
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Default Stevie fan(tasy)

Originally Posted by ryan4136 View Post
LB was upset that a SN hit was used as the walkout music for a band award. He wanted The Chain
Doesn't that contradict his remark that "it wasn't about it being Rhiannon?"

If he considered himself the band's musical director, then it figures that he would want the final choice about the musical texture of their performance, including their entrance on stage--and the idea of a brief, abortive clip of Rhiannon followed by them playing The Chain sure sounds peculiar enough to warrant putting his foot down. Putting aside the (possibly accurate) conspiracy theories about LB being set up by the Stevie camp over this issue, you could simply speculate that it was about Stevie wanting/needing the atmospheric context of some introductory music (like all the music she listens to before a performance), either to pep her up or to invigorate the tuxedo crowd or both; whereas Lindsey was presumably thinking "Let's keep them in suspense, then work them up slowly with the magic of their actual performance of The Chain."

As for "Rhiannon" being untenable to LB because it's a "Stevie hit," that's silly--Lindsey helped craft that song back in the early BN days (if anyone wouldn't like it for reasons of provenance, it would be the non-BN members of the band); and even if we assume that "Rhiannon" should be construed as unduly representative of Stevie rather than the rest of the band, then wouldn't she be in the wrong to be insisting on it being used as the walk-in music in the first place?
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