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Old 10-21-2018, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by bombaysaffires View Post
Interesting that many still don't understand or don't want to understand the spark for many people's ...

They've resorted to tricks like having side players speak in interviews to say how great things are on tour.

If people don't like reading nasty comments, skip over them. It's not hard. This cuts both ways. Personal attacks from one poster to another are just not acceptable. Argue the point someone is making but don't attack the person. There has been too much of that on here for sure. But bashing a band member is not the same thing.
I appreciate your excellent post, bombaysapphires. Very well said. I hope you don't mind if I respond to a few of your points. For me, it's not that I don't understand or don't want to understand the spark for why many people feel angry at FM right now. I get it, and I think most people do. It's not that we don't care... we just don't want to read about your anger on every thread. That might sound harsh, but it gets old. I really hope I haven't angered you by saying that, and I can see why you would get angry, but I'm just trying to explain my POV. My frustration is not that people hate Stevie and FM now, or are furious with them, or however you want to say it... my frustration is that a few people on this board are relentless about sharing their hatred for FM now by commenting on every thread in every forum on this board. I would happily stick to the Present Band board if it would mean not having to read on every thread how evil Stevie and Mick are for firing Lindsey, but the same posters even go there and make the same nasty comments they've made on every other board here. I also understand that you can relate to that, as Lindsey has been vilified here, too. So what's the solution?

Another point you mentioned, really in passing, but it caught my eye so I wanted to respond to it, was "they've resorted to tricks like having side players speak in interviews to say how great things are on tour." I think you're referring to the newspaper interview with Ricky Petersen. I think a lot of us are hypersensitive right now (please note I absolutely am including myself here), as that is the only way I can describe your remark. What I see as a sweet interview in a newspaper with a 'small town boy who made good,' you see as a plot by the band to use innocent people in order to do damage control. I have seen many interviews like this, where a city newspaper interviews someone local involved in some event, whether it be a concert, or a movie, or a play, etc. Sure, it's possible FM conspired to get that newspaper interview, but I really think it was just what it seemed to be- a simple interview with a local guy who is on a major tour making a stop in his hometown. I guess I mention this because I've been hypersensitive about certain things on this board, and read more into something than what was likely intended.

Lastly, you say that personal attacks from one poster to another are just not acceptable. I totally agree and I'm glad you feel the same way. But is it wrong to also say that personal attacks against the band members are just not acceptable? I'm not saying people shouldn't be vocal about their anger at any of the band members, past or present. But why do people have to be so nasty by calling them names? I understand completely that this board allows that... but do we have to stoop to that level, just because it's not against the rules? And I'm not directing that comment to just you, bombaysapphires- I'm directing it to everyone on this board, including myself. Can't people state their impassioned feelings without name calling? I think we can, but people choose not to. So what's the solution?

Anyway, like I said, thanks for your post, and for letting me respond. You gave me a lot to think about and I hope other people will take the time to read your words.

Last edited by bwboy; 10-21-2018 at 06:15 PM..
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