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Old 10-12-2018, 08:52 PM
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rhiannondontgo rhiannondontgo is offline
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Originally Posted by saniette View Post
A lot of the dysfunction has been exaggerated in this band, and sold as part of the brand. I don't really buy into the myth. There has to be some camaraderie between the band members to function at all, even if it's just on a professional level, and there are moments you can see that even in the ways they interact on stage.

Anyway, none of this explains why Lindsey was fired. He wasn't fired for money reasons, and it would have been cheaper to keep Lindsey in the band. So clearly FM is not run like a standard corporation.

And don't feelings come into play after all? Didn't Stevie's feelings end up trumping all the business considerations? Lindsey was fired due to Stevie feeling fed up with him for whatever the reason is. So I think feelings definitely played a role in Lindsey's firing, not money considerations. Now, of course, it's all about the money, as it is at the dissolution of most relationships. That doesn't negate that feelings are involved.
I disagree. Lindsey’s firing absolutely came about due to money. Unless there’s a lot more to the story than we know, it doesn’t sound like the whole band had hurt feelings. Only Stevie. Why are Stevie’s feelings dictating the band? Because of the money. When Stevie didn’t want the album to be named Tusk by Mick & Linds, she didn’t get her way. When Stevie didn’t want to listen to Lindsey & the photographer about taking off her top for the cover of BN, she didn’t get her way. When she had a problem with them doing Come live, she didn’t get her way. Her “feelings” then were not any more valued than Lindsey’s are now. Right now it’s her monetary value dictating these decisions, not consideration for her feelings. She isn’t just complaining anymore, she’s saying flat out that she does not want to be around Lindsey Buckingham at all. The band knew they had a tour already planned out, promoters all ready, and fans excited. And now the “face” of the band was threatening to refuse to participate. Yeah FM could’ve just disbanded all together, but that would equal no money for anybody. Or they could’ve let her leave and toured with Lindsey and not her, which would mean some money but not as much as previously thought since literally every promoter (and the vast majority of casual fans) would prefer a Lindsey-less band to a Stevie-less band. They chose to give him the boot because this band is still a business and keeping her happy makes them the maximum amount of money. Simple as that. They don’t care that she’s sad, they only care that she rakes in the big bucks. I wouldn’t be surprised if some members had no problem with LB at all (until this lawsuit of course). But it wasn’t about anybody’s feelings, it was about what made the most sense for their business and their income. Which is also why none of them responded to Lindsey afterwards. It’s all about preserving what’s left of their band and maximizing their future opportunities.
It could very well be about longevity also. They’re bound to last longer and continue carrying on a fan base if they have Stevie around than if they only had Linds around. How many people would buy an FM record without her? Not many. In this situation, from a business perspective, the only real option for them to continue their commercial success and have job security is to keep her around.
If Lindsey was the more successful of the group, they would’ve thrown Stevie out in two seconds. And I doubt Lindsey would’ve objected. Business trumps feelings.

Last edited by rhiannondontgo; 10-12-2018 at 08:56 PM..
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