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Old 10-11-2018, 11:16 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by JohnL View Post
Some of the problem is that the moderators are the ones doing the bashing. Not all of them but some of them.
JohnL, you continue to take shot after shot after shot at me. And I've been pretty tolerant. I have thick skin. I am well aware you do not like me, nor my stance on the current situation.

I've directed you to Michele, if you don't like the way the board is run.

Take my advice and take your concerns to Admin, Michele.

In the meantime, show me at least the courtesy to address me instead constantly publicly trying to 'back doo'r what a poor moderator I've been. Everyone knows you mean me.

I get PM's from members telling me how awesome I am, to how horrible I am. It's not an easy job and I choose to let adults try and govern themselves, as much as possible. I've closed threads that have become extreme; but, for the most part I like to let people vent their feelings. It's been extreme on both sides with the insults and name calling. Like someone mentioned earlier, "quite the charmer".

I can't possibly shut down every thread, and can't be here all day to moderate every post. I'm one person and I have many members with completely different views of how the board should be run. It's not my call on how admin wants it run.

So Stop. Thank you.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"

Last edited by jbrownsjr; 10-11-2018 at 11:20 AM..
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