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Old 09-09-2018, 01:57 AM
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Nathan Nathan is offline
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Originally Posted by elle View Post
wonder whether the new guys are already sick and tired (and going huh?) of her endless talk about LB and how much she hates him. you know she must be doing that - she cannot resist mentioning him!
Lindsey is a big part of the history of the band that they just joined. He or his absence is also central to them having joined at all. And that's to say nothing of the role that he's played in Stevie's life, whatever that's been.

So it makes sense that he would come up in conversation - his guitar parts and his musical contributions, in particular. Although I doubt that Lindsey on a personal level is a main topic. And I also doubt that SN has nothing more salient in her life to share than "endless talk about LB and how much she hates him."

Unless you have personally had a conversation with SN about something other than her music, it seems to me that you might not actually know. Is it possible that you are projecting? Since I don't know either, my guess is that when she's not being interviewed, she has a grab-bag of rich old lady topics to pull from, that includes her investments (or what her advisors told her about them at their last quarterly meeting), the amenities at whatever Santa Monica health or country club she belongs to, weather in LA, weather in Hawaii, shopping, and taxes in California.

When Mike Campbell is in the room, I imagine that Tom Petty, Benmont Tench, and the history that they all share with SN comes up far more frequently than her personal feelings about LB do. With Neil Finn, I would wager that the topic of Australian resorts gets the most play.

Last edited by Nathan; 09-09-2018 at 02:45 AM..
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