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Old 08-28-2018, 10:05 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by bombaysaffires View Post
Regarding why Stevie would wait until now to exact her payback on Lindsey for whatever nastiness he perpetrated towards her in the past, there is an old saying: "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

In other words, if you want to really get back at someone, don't do it, don't "serve it up to them" when you are hot, angry, really in the emotional upset phase. Wait. Let things, and let yourself, cool down. When your emotions are calmer, cooler, you can make a more rational decision. You can be more cold, hard, calculating if you are not still worked up and emotional. Wait. Carefully. Let the other person and everyone else think the fuss is over. And when you are not all fired up by emotions, you can plot an even more cold revenge.

I don't know if Stevie actually spent recent 30 years plotting out how to get her revenge, but boy when she saw her chance, she did not for one second let it go by. She jumped on it. She wasn't thinking about the longterm legacy of the band, she wasn't thinking about hey this is one last go with these guys and I'm free. She clearly still harbored resentments to Lindsey.

And I actually think she's harbored resentments or whatever towards LB since the SYW album. She's put up roadblock after roadblock every step of the way since then to NOT do anything more than the cash grab tours with this band. NOTHING else. Mick publicly groveled at her feet to get her to do stuff, LB publicly groveled, writing songs to her (the EP and even on SYW) and was very careful in interviews to say complimentary things etc. When groveling wasn't enough Mick gave interviews blaming her for the death of the band, etc. In fact, to me, Mick publicly shamed her about this a thousand times moreso than LB did. Why isn't she mad at him?

In any event, the opportunity came, and she took it. I don't think AT ALL that her actions were caused by Tom's death, or that she is "acting out of grief". Stevie is very clever, and she knows a good opportunity when she sees one. Tom's death just gave her a plausible cover for justifying taking her revenge finally.
Pretty spot on. IMO.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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