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Old 08-21-2018, 12:10 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by bombaysaffires View Post
the difference between Stevie and Lindsey is that she desperately wanted fame and did what it took to get it and keep it-- and that included chasing trends in music rather than staying true to her muse. Lindsey "you're not like other people, you do what you want to" didn't get all worried about what everyone else was doing and trying to keep up with trends, he's always been more about making good art and 'if the right ears hear it' and all that. Not to say he wasn't on some level jealous of how successful her albums got and his didn't in the mass market, but he made his peace with it. He could get snotty about it, and mocking of her success, so you know it rankled as he thinks he's the true artist and she's not. Bottom line is that they took very different approaches and appeal to different audiences. That's why FM was better with both of them in it.
He chased certain trends, too. But, I agree that he didn't care if it gave FAME or not. In fact, when he was chasing the CLASH sound he knew it would give him less FAME. So did Mick and Stevie and the board room.

Where Stevie (not really a music writer) (not really a producer) (not really a piano player) came up with melodies and poems/lyrics and gave them to musicians and producers to put in the work for her. And then she shaped it based on her ear and what Jimmy, Dave or Lindsey told her.

I think where she lost me was trying to be a legend, vs. just be yourself. She still twirls and it's so weird to me at her age to see that. The one positive I like is that we don't have to see the fake relationship she plays with Lindsey. She put her cards on the table at the 11th hour.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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