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Old 08-07-2018, 06:51 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by David View Post
Oh, come on, Hopkins, you've been around the block long enough. Out of all the people in Fleetwood Mac over the years, Buck is just about the last guy anyone with any sense could accuse of lackluster stage work. "Reviews"? Who, fans? Critics? Weirdos? My hunch is that what you saw was somebody saying that Buck didn't measure up to his own standards. That's a different matter. You talk about that as if he was deliberately doing a drunken Danny Kirwan circa 1972, trying to destroy a show. His performances are not at the root of his firing.

As for what he says to the media—he's been periodically calling Fleetwood Mac a musical prostitute since about 1978. I doubt a few offhand remarks about a couple of big, bland festivals created much of a stir (especially since they were so innocuous—and so accurate).
This is absolutely correct. Especially, the prostitute part. Even in SYW he has a huge difference of opinion with Mick about art vs commerce. His job is to push art. Someone has to do it!!
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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