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Old 06-22-2018, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
Inspired by another thread: What is your opinion of Stevie's collaborations with Mike Campbell? I am not counting SDMHA because it is not a co-write.

Here's mine:


1. Blue Denim - fantastic. I adore this song. One of my favorites of Stevie's.

2. Whole Lotta Trouble - A fun rocker. Great song!


3. Freedom - I think this is underrated. It's catchy.


4. For What It's Worth - the grammatical problem of this one annoys me no end and keeps me from enjoying it. I'm sorry. However, it has its good parts.

5. My Heart - OK. Boring in some parts.

6. Desert Angel - Tiresome and dreary in many parts. However, I don't think I hate it as much as everyone else, because it's not at the bottom for me. It has some nice lines.

7. Ghosts - Doesn't interest me. I usually skip it. Again, some nice lines here and there.

8. You Like Me - This one was released by the Williams Brothers but there's also an unreleased version of Stevie doing it. It's alright. Nothing special. Glad she didn't release it.


9. I Don't Care - This song grates on me. It annoys me. I can't stand it.

10. Imperial Hotel - HATE. SO. MUCH. Meandering....self-indulgent, half-baked lyrics... awful.

Special Question: Should she do any of these with Fleetwood Mac?

Thanks for doing this... I wasn't sure how many songs they had co-written so it's nice and helpful to have them listed in one thread.

Imperial Hotel- sorry you don't like this one. I love the lyrics and the background vocals really enhance the song.

Blue Denim- if it were on another, better album, this would almost be filler, but on a stinker like Street Angel, it sounds like a masterpiece.


My Heart

For What Its Worth


Desert Angel

While Lotta Trouble

I've never heard You Like Me or I Don't Care. Generally, I haven't been all that impressed with their collaborations. I would be ok if they performed Freedom, it is a FM song and a deep cut, and I think it would sound great live.
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