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Old 06-18-2018, 03:28 PM
dreamsunwind dreamsunwind is offline
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Originally Posted by Sugar Mouse View Post
You seem to be unaware of what's going on here. Tons of people have messaged me that they have left this forum (or simply never post) because of the hate-filled rhetoric aimed at Stevie, Mick, and members of the forum. I see it for what it is: childlike, gutless bullying where facts hold little value and spewing one's "grief" reigns supreme.
I'm well aware of what's going on. People leaving because they no longer like what's being said by some is THEIR own choice. They're not being personally affected or attacked by other users. They just don't like it anymore so they choose to leave (and that's their right, I've even said that there are many other places to discuss FM for those who don't like it here anymore) but there's no need to make them into martyrs for it. You haven't been posting on this place for very long at all and I'm assuming that you haven't been reading it for long either because if you have you'd know that Stevie and Mick are far, FAR from the only band members who have been criticized or "bullied" by posters. In fact in the grand scheme of things the most criticized member of the band was probably Lindsey himself. This place is for the purpose of discussing Fleetwood Mac and criticism of band members is going to come with that. This board has never been a 'Lindsey Ledge' (if anything the closest it's ever been to being mostly about one member is about Stevie) and if you looked through old threads you'd see that. And yet most Lindsey fans and no one really left the site because of it. It's only recently that there's been heavy criticism of Stevie and Mick and deservedly so giving the shocking turn of events in the band. Half the people you've accused of being Lindsey fans 'masquerading' are actually quite far from that. And yes there have been many childish posts but if you focus on those posts only you miss out on some very legitimate criticism and compelling discussion. And frankly your repetitive posts calling the board a Lindsey Ledge over and over again and insisting that everyone is just a Lindsey fan in disguise hellbent on making Stevie and Mick into evil villains are just as childish and close-minded.
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