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Old 06-01-2018, 04:55 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Steve Tyler is a good shout. I recently read an article that suggests Steve Tyler auditioned for the AC/DC singing role that went to Axle Rose. That would suggest he's on the look out for a new band.

I'd still maintain Brian Johnson (ex-AC/DC) is the other person. I know he left AC/DC due to hearing problems but I get the sense he was ousted rather than leaving of his own accord. It seems as if he's undergone successful treatment recently. He was singing with Mick at his restaurant just a few days before Neil Finn played there with Mick.

Another shout could be Steve Miller. Didn't Mick do some sort of event with him recently?
I've read Steven also auditioned for a Led Zeppelin reunion years ago.
I've only seen this recently about Mick and Steve Miller but I don't know the occasion:

However I still mantain that Brian Johnson would have been a terrible choice, can you imagine him trying to harmonize with Stevie and Christine?
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