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Old 05-01-2018, 02:15 PM
MaryLiz2 MaryLiz2 is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 62

Originally Posted by petep9000 View Post
Oh how boring! The whole fun of Rock a Little is how she bellowed, barked, and roared her vocals while whirling like a dervish. I hope she NEVER tries to sing ICW on stage again, modern Stevie with her phlegmy clicking sinus voice would never be able to do it anyway. Best to leave these things as good memories. Let her tell stories instead, she seemed to enjoy it and it doesn't require much effort.
I know she catches flack for it on the Rumous forum, but I like the stories. Yeah, they're self-indulgent, but I find them entertaining. Like it's my crazy aunt up there telling stories about the good old days. The Enchanted tour was my favorite because she did a little of that and shook the set list up. I didn't get to see the 24K Gold tour because the locations didn't work for me, but I followed it online/caught some of it on YouTube and I was entertained. Her singing voice isn't what it used to be, so go ahead and tell some stories between songs...or instead of songs...whatever. She's going to be 70 years old and should do whatever the heck she wants.

That said, a Rock a Little Redux tour with Mike Campbell (in reality I think the odds of her doing this are zero) would intrigue me simply because for some reason I really love the song Imperial Hotel. I dunno why. She's probably never done it live, but my love of that song would like to see it. Though her voice wouldn't sing it like the RAL version of Stevie, so as you say it's probably best to leave these things in the past.
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