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Old 04-28-2018, 05:07 PM
jmn3 jmn3 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by bombaysaffires View Post
The interviewer asks how long ago the split happened. They say after Musicares. At one point Stevie says she left for Maui on Feb 4.

The interviewer says, "Prior to that you, you thought the tour was going to be WITH Lindsey?"

Mick starts to say "Well, we, we didn't know we.." and Chris says "Yes" somewhat emphatically. And Mick just keeps continuing: "... had a tour. That was, that was... part of, of... you know....the 'problem' in terms of where it became a, a, a total impasse. 4 of us... had, had to come to a decision....where we'd planned to be doing uh... a know a huge, lovely, FM tour... and, and Lindsey-- for sure-- had very different opinions about when that should start. And....would.... the whole thing without belaboring it... was, was percolating in a way that was not....was NOT ok... for... the majority of the band, in terms of, of knowing that we were gonna... go on tour, and he had, uh.... for whatever reasons, and Lindsey will, I'm sure, will address it in terms of, of a project he was working on, but it's not about "oh, what, what do you mean...why, why couldn't you wait?" and all that stuff. We planned on doing what we were doing for a long, long time, and... majority rules in terms of what we needed to do as a band, and go forward and, and it, it literally hit a brick wall, uh, after the show, and, and, Fleetwood Mac, it's're sitting there, you're very conversant with the...the strange animal known as 'Fleetwood Mac', and..... really... a lot of other sensibilities... uh, came into... play, where it just wasn't a happy situation... and we... made that decision that we were gonna part company."

Interviewer: so the biggest issue was scheduling the tour... is that how you?.. is that what happened, Stevie, that was the big issue?

And she goes into the June vs November thing

Interviewer "and that's what..."

And she goes into doing her tour, and all that.....schedules. etc..

The commentary by the interviewer and the other guy throughout the cutouts from the band interview and at the end says it all - no questions were answered and it was weird af the whole time. Mick made no sense...literally rambling and making it up/trying to remember his script on the fly. Stevie just steamrolled over everyone else whenever anyone would try to talk. I find the two of them to be obnoxious a-holes. The McVie's are a little less but they're still going along with this crap.

The bottom line is it's okay for 4/5 of the band to want to record but get halted and have to release it and tour under a brand new moniker (Buckingham McVie). And even though I don't believe half of the sh** they're shoveling, if you do go with what the band is saying and 4/5 have some idea of when/what a tour should be, they can just fire the 1/5 who is holding out and move on with replacements. They should have released that album as Fleetwood Mac and toured that way too but none of them would be willing to have the balls needed to push the album and tour sans Stevie.
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