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Old 04-17-2018, 04:34 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by aleuzzi View Post
Originally, in May 2015, when Christine and Lindsey's collaborations were reported in Billboard and then in Rolling Stone, the language was that the participating four hoped this would be a FM album. However, even from the start there was the caveat that "in one way or another" the new music would come to light. So, I'm guessing the band already knew it would only be a FM album if Stevie participated. If she didn't they wouldn't (couldn't?) call it Fleetwood Mac. This has angered a lot of people, myself included, in no small part because it has prioritized the participation of one member over all others, a member whose actual knowledge of music and ability to shape musical direction is decidedly less than the others. In the words of one of my friends, "Fleetwood Mac is not a going concern without Stevie Nicks." I hate this statement but it is, alas, true for the overwhelming majority of the public. Even when Christine or Lindsey hit it out of the park, Stevie gets some credit. Another friend repeatedly tells me her favorite FM song is "Little Lies" because "Stevie Nicks sings it so well." Well, either my friend is talking about one phrase repeated three or four times in the song or she assumes all singing, no matter what it sounds like, is done by Stevie. Ridiculous. Sad, but true: for most people, Stevie is the epitome of the group. When I enthuse about the LB/CM album, some friends say, "it was boring" (really? more boring than Say You Will? I loved Say You Will but if either is going to be boring THAT would qualify a little more); other friends say, "I'm mad they did the album without Stevie" even when they KNOW Stevie REFUSED to participate.

I ramble.
This cracks me up so much. It explains the behavior of most chiffons.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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