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Old 04-15-2018, 03:27 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by elle View Post
man i missed a lot! i've never heard this piece of the story. do we know this, or it's just someone speculation?

what i also find bizarre is people claiming how it's obvious that LB not giving his normal 200% at the Classics but instead just regular 110% is what gives FM every right to get rid of him as a bad employee. how can anyone say this with a straight face? have you all seen the last 4 FM tours? if you haven't seen tours than read the reviews? more often than not, Stevie was practically a zombie sleepwalking through FM shows, making it clear she could care less about FM. her solo fans say she's a completely different person, engaged and happy on her solo outings. so why was she not fired anytime between 2009 and now for not giving it a 100%?
ummm because of $$$
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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