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Old 04-13-2018, 12:53 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by elle View Post
for people who are asking about what happened - here is some more, filled in by Rick Turner (luthier who made Turner Model 1, LB's guitar) -

Rick Turner:
At one point, Lindsey had proposed that both FM and he with his band tour at the same time with the LB band filling in dates between the FM shows. The report was that Stevie wanted at least a day between gigs; Lindsey wanted to play as much as possible. That's what I heard from a most reliable source at the NAMM show in January.

i asked Rick whether it's ok if i post here (you know, weirdos on The Ledge, as Jimmy P. nicely calls people here ). this was Rick's response:

Rick Turner
Elle Llew Sure. I think it just points out one point of contention. Maybe it looked to some as though LB was going to do really well touring hard; perhaps not doubling his money on the tour, but certainly getting in nearly twice the audience face time. I did not hear whether Christine was going to possibly do the LB gigs as well as the FM gigs, but Bret and Neil would have, and that would have made nice...and deserved...paydays for them. Good guys, great musicians. I know Federico was looking forward to ti.

and more:

Rick Turner
Felix Le Chat Lindsey would have gotten more press than Stevie if they'd done a double tour like that.

so.... was Stevie arguing for at least a day between gigs on behalf of the supporting players?? Seems like they had decided for themselves they were ok with it. Maybe she thought it would poop them out for the Mac shows over time?? I'm just trying to figure out how the pieces fit logically. Which is a mistake with this band because so much is done emotionally!
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