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Old 04-12-2018, 02:30 PM
NotonRodeo NotonRodeo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 222

I must say I'm confused. After reading all these threads, then FB, Twitter, and IG I haven't a clue about what actually happened, and the more I read the less I understand. So if y'all don't mind I'd just like to ask some questions?

a. If the fight wasn't at Musicares then when did it happen? What was it about? Is it true it was about Lindsey's solo album, or is that just a face-saving tale to cover up the rather unpalatable truth, which must be really petty?

b. Did Mick actually conduct a poll of producers to see who they would prefer? If so, did he really expect them to side with Lindsey, when they know Stevie can fill more seats? Was this a tactic to slough off responsibility to someone else besides him?

c. Is there a lawsuit pending? Did Lindsey try to force the band to retain him? In other words, did he try to fight back?

I know given this band's tenuous relationship with the truth the facts will never be known, but a general summary would be nice
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