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Old 04-11-2018, 06:15 PM
MaryLiz2 MaryLiz2 is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 62

Originally Posted by HoursAndHours View Post
Does she do any Fleetwood Mac on her solo tours with Watchell? Yes? Then any of those are probably ust as likely to turn up without Lindsey, because she plays them without him all the time.
Exactly. She's been playing Landslide without him for years.

An unpopular opinion alert: I think at this point I might prefer Landslide without Lindsey. Ever since The Dance it seems that there has been, like, the obligatory Landslide hugging business. I admit to being a sucker for that the first time (anyone remember The Dance merch? still have the t-shirt with their hugging silhouettes), but in subsequent years it's become obvious that they really can't stand each other. While I'm rolling my eyes over the fact that that a bunch of septuagenarians can't work out their issues...a silver lining for me personally is not having to see the rehearsed "sweet" interactions between Stevie and Lindsey.

And while I hope they change things up in the set list (from a Stevie standpoint I'm hoping for Angel, Straight Back or That's Alight to change things up a bit), the majority of people buying tickets aren't those of us who have seen Rhiannon live a handful of times and heard dozens and dozens of bootlegged versions beyond that. There are some songs that they're just going to have to do. I anticipate Landslide will be one of them. Really, now that I've reached the same milestone age as Rumours, I'd be bummed if Landslide doesn't make an appearance. "I'm getting older too" resonates too darn much.
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