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Old 04-10-2018, 02:25 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by dontlookdown View Post
Not sure it’s an outrage, but it certainly is shocking and hugely
I have mixed feelings.
I was looking for a legitimate farewell tour; but I’m also not a big fan of the tired rote greatest hits sets.
The news feels like a weird deja vu from 1987.
But Mike Campbell will bring a lot of energy and personality to the sound - in a way that Rick Vito and Billy Burnette weren’t capable of.
I honestly can’t think of a better replacement for Lindsey Buckingham ‘s sound - especially in the context of big arenas.
Mike is an amazing player and a superb songwriter. He will bring a lot to the tour in ways that people aren’t expecting. Neil Finn is a great singer; but I’m not as enthusiastic about him because it feels like it was a choice made out of convenience. I guess they needed someone with pipes given how shaky Chris’s vocals have become.
In any event, I guess it just feels like a knee jerk band aid fix rather then a considered
thoughtful crafted project.

I wish it was presented as a different band / project instead of a salvage Fleetwood Mac tour.

At the same time, I’m not sure this whole story came out of a scenario that was dramatic in the way that the press is presenting it.
It could have been that they just couldn’t agree on a schedule.
People in their 70’s should be able to make decisions at will.
They don’t work for us and they don’t owe us anything.
I would have hated to know that a tour was put together and Lindsey didn’t want to be there.

I’m sorry that the end result of all of this is that we have a nostalgia act cobbling together what they can to prop up a tour - - instead of a group of five artists who really wanted to commit to making this a final goodbye to the 5 decades worth of fans.
I’m sorry for all of us. But I also respect people for asking for what they want and need rather than going through the motions because they think they’re supposed to.
Much respect to the whole band for giving everyone the freedom to come and go as they please.

It’s shocking and it’s unexpected and it hurts.
But I think if people can put aside the drama machine and make an effort to not write the narrative for this band that probably never happened; we might find that we can allow ourselves to enjoy Mike Campbell’s jaw-dropping guitar playing.
He’s no Buckingham, but he is quite possibly the most gifted player I’ve ever heard in an arena setting.
Thanks dontlookdown for your mature and thoughtful reflection with whom I agree wholeheartedly
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