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Old 02-11-2018, 06:13 PM
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Jondalar Jondalar is offline
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Originally Posted by lilyfee View Post
Jordan Peele has talked extensively about how Get Out was meant to be a cross between The Stepford Wives, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, and Rosemary's Baby. He alluded to many films in the horror genre but I didn't think they overpowered the narrative, which I found to be original and full of symbolism. I thought the film was excellent, especially the ending! (I won't spoil it, but I'll just say, TSA!)

Coco was probably my favorite of the year! I heard someone say that if you don't cry during this movie then you must be a serial killer, and I agree wholeheartedly!

I thought a lot of the movies met my standard of a "good" movie, but few stood out. I've heard the most buzz about Ladybird but I just couldn't bring myself to see another coming of age story.

For the Oscars, I'm rooting for The Shape of Water (the most beautiful to watch) or Get Out (the most fun to watch).

I'm glad that Wonder Woman did well in theaters because I'm hoping for a second one that's even better!
Shape of Water is beautiful movie but I thought the movie was creepy, bizarre. There seemed to be too much sex scenes (masterbation...) that weren’t necessary. It gave me a bad feeling. My friend didn’t like it either. It seemed like the movie was promoting beastiality. Eliza ended up reminding me as someone from the Adams Family. I didn’t find her to be this lovely human being. I thought she was a weirdo. This movie may win best picture because people want to see the director be honored but it’s no where near as good as Pans Labyrinth. This movie and Three Billboards are the front runner s but I didn’t like either of them. Good thing I don’t watch or support the Oscars anymore.

Get Out was ok but my big problem with it was it didn’t seem original at all. Even the ending with “Sunken Place” was just a rip off of “the further” from the Insidious movies.

I’m happy Wonder Woman did well too. I hope they make more superhero based on women. Captain Marvel is already on her way!
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