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Old 02-06-2018, 07:42 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by elle View Post
she does, doesn't she? maybe that's why so many fans came out of watching that doc with the impression that he's being a huge a**hole. reading those fan reviews first, and then seeing the doc, i was stunned and couldn't understand what those people were seeing that i was not - because yes, my impression was exact one Nancy so nicely worded - he was so obviously walking on eggshells trying to appease her.

they are both tiptoeing around each other, at least from what we can glance in that DR doc - which was probably making them completely unhappy with the results of whatever work they did together, because each of them feels like they are trying to please the other and in the end both are unsatisfied with the results. the difference is - he is not actually saying it and you need to watch his reactions to see that he's mostly holding his tongue (dream-catcher scene? soo hilarious!) and trying to make her happy, while she's mostly being loud and passive aggressive about it, making it known to everyone how she's "sacrificing for his happiness" as you described above.

however in the scene with Lord-Algae (not Mark Needham) that you mention, she seems to be genuinely protective of Lindsey - because she knows Lord-Algae is her mixer, not his, and to me the way she said "now you rip into it" sounded like she's making it clear to Lord-Algae that he needs to listen to what LB may contribute.

definitely interesting dynamic, and obviously the one that doesn't work, the same as when they actually both say what they mean.
It's funny when you watch DR then BuckVie...
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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