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Old 10-30-2017, 09:13 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by 24karatstevie View Post
I know there is a thread with the newspaper reviews of this show already, but I thought I would make a new one about my show experience. Mods, if you would rather move or combine this with the other thread that is fine with me. I just wanted to post a little review of the night.

I want to start by saying that this was my first Buckingham McVie show. It was also my first time attending a show at the Fox Theatre. Very lovely venue by the way, absolutely gorgeous. Anyway back to BuckVie . The opening act Wilderado was good. Never heard them before, and it's not what I usually listen to, but I enjoyed it. The lead singer forgot Lindsey's name lol. He was talking about how this has been a great opportunity for them and said, "It's really an honor to be here opening for Christine and...." Some people in the crowd helped him out by yelling "LINDSEY"!

This theater was set up with the pit being the first 4 rows. My ticket was for Orchestra Row C, so basically 7th row, since the Orchestra was right behind the pit. When Chris and Linds came on stage a few people stood (including me), but most sat down quickly. I stayed standing for Trouble, but the people behind me kept pestering me to sit down. I complied and sat for the rest of the acoustic set. However, during Feel About You, I got back up because I love that song and was ready to dance! In the the pit there was a large open area off to the side where no chairs were located. I noticed some very eager, and possibly drunk, people making their way to that area to dance around. This area was right in front of the stage, a little off to the side of Lindsey. I didn't see any security around and figured I would have a better time if I went down there with the people who wanted to stand. I decided to take my chances as the worst that would happen is that security would send me back to my seat. Anyway, I went down there, and I am so glad I did! It's a good thing I went up front when I did because I heard security sending a few people back a few songs later.

Like I said earlier this was my first BuckVie show; it was also my first time ever seeing Christine and Lindsey live. I've never got to see Fleetwood Mac and only saw Stevie for the first time during the 24 Karat Gold Tour, so to be up front was an absolutely exhilarating experience. The energy at the front row is so much better. Everyone was dancing, singing, and having an amazing time. I looked back and even some of the people in the pit that weren't at the stage were sitting, especially through the new stuff. I was probably 6-10 feet away from Lindsey and watching him play that close was out of this world! From the angle I was at, I didn't have the best view of Christine because of a microphone. However, from what I can tell, she looked and sounded amazing. I'm so happy that I finally got to hear Hold Me live! It's always been one of my favorites, and I never thought I would get to hear it performed live. Other interesting things that happened included a lady about 6 people to the left of me right in front of Lindsey who kept shouting "Lindsey, you're so f***ing hot"! They actually started YMLF when they should have played Red Sun, and Lindsey told the lady "you're making me lose concentration"! It was pretty funny

Now on to the best part of my experience. I'm sorry this is turning out to be so long! I realized that I was front row and was hoping that Lindsey would come over to my section during GYOW. I was screaming and waving my arms quite a bit when he started walking towards where I was standing. He saw me and leaned down to let me and others strum his guitar! I cannot even fully describe the feeling I had in that moment, I thought I was going to stop breathing for a second! There is absolutely nothing like getting to experience something like that with one of your favorite artists. Just when I thought things couldn't get better, they did. When the band walked off stage after GYOW I yelled, "I love you Christine!" when she walked by, and she looked at me and blew me a kiss! Once again, I lost my composure. After the show, I caught a glimpse of Christine's car as I was walking back to the parking garage. A girl in front of me went up to the car with her Rumours record and Christine rolled down the window. She politely declined signing and told us to have a good night. Then, she waved at us before the car drove away. I think the girl was a little devastated, but Christine was probably tired, and I don't blame her for declining. I still think she is such a sweet person.

To make a long story short (too late) last night was one of the best nights of my life. Lindsey and Christine put on a phenomenal show, and I am so thankful for the experience I got to have. They made this 19 year old girl very happy!!!

Wow, what a great review!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show as much as I did. Nice to read about your experience.

I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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