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Old 08-20-2017, 09:57 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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Originally Posted by secret love View Post

- Is perfectly correct that there is no money in new music. It's hard enough for young musicians let alone legacy acts...but she's wrong to say that's a reason not to make music. She SHOULD make new music and write new songs FOR THE JOY OF IT. And because she respects her "friend" Christine McVie.

- Stays awake until 5 am. She has only slept four hours when it comes to 9 am. I don't blame her for not wanting to rehearse until she's had her rests, especially if she has been up all night writing new songs for the tour (I doubt it but hey stranger things have happened).

- Lindsey IS useless at anything other than music. It's a fact. She respects his craft but rightly acknowledges he has never done anything but music. He has not waited tables or cleaned restaurants or worked a regular job or studied at university. SHE HAS DONE ALL THESE THINGS.

Actually, Lindsey also studied for a time at university.... and neither graduated.

He in fact did work some regular jobs, which others have pointed out. He held a telemarketing job-- for about as long as Stevie held her dental assistant job, I would point out. And he has had a dual career both in music and in creating and managing quite a nice portfolio of properties for decades now, buying and selling real estate in and around LA. Some people were in rehab instead.

See how that works? Anyone can throw mud.

She worked at most a couple of years of their career (if that) at a series of menial jobs to make money that she didn't last terribly long at and wasn't particularly good at. My heart does not break for her for having to work a couple of weeks (her dental assistant job) or a few months (waitressing) at real jobs. He took gigs playing (he toured with the Everly Brothers for one) in addition to working out all their music.

She whined about having to be in the studio at Sound City for 12 hours a day making their first album. See, I did it again.

I love her, but she's not a saint, and she's not the most objective at telling their history.
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