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Old 08-16-2017, 04:12 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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the fundamental problem is people don't want to ever admit their heroes have flaws. So when flaws are pointed out, they lash out at whoever points them out. It's the old "shoot the messenger" thing.

I love Stevie. I have loved her since the 70s. Barely a day goes by that I don't listen to her music, which I love. I also think for a long time she did indeed get a hard time from Lindsey and I admired her for not saying in the press the reality of what (I believe) happened at times with him.

That said, she has indeed changed over recent years. This isn't shocking, I mean everyone grows and changes over their life. It would be totally effed up if she was EXACTLY the same person she was ten years ago, let alone 30 or 40 years ago. We grow. We change how we feel about things. We soften on some things and we harden on some things.

If we accept that she's not a total pathological liar and actually believe her in some of what she's said recently (not just the Oz interview), she's now in the mindset that it's not worth recording with FM ever again, that she only wants to work with Lindsey when she "has to", she finds FM tours a bit boring and not creatively fulfilling, yet she will still do them because they sell well and make money. Records don't so the strain of making them (with FM/LB) is no longer worth it to her. She's a legend. Hoteliers in Italy need to frame her words because they are so spectacular, etc etc.

Look, she's pushing 70. She's done it all a million times. She knows what she wants and knows who she is and when you get older you get a bit crankier and more set in your ways. Whatever she says about Lindsey changes depending on what day it is, what their last interaction was, etc etc.

These are her foibles. They might disappoint you, but they are part of who she is now. Maybe she was always like this and we just never saw it. Or maybe it's age. Who knows. But lashing out at people who are only commenting on her own words and expressing how those words make them feel won't change reality.
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