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Old 07-13-2017, 03:00 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by dreamsunwind View Post
Considering the fact that Stevie is very open about these things, talks about her personal life and affairs in relation to her songs and life in general, tells stories, casually makes random unneeded comments about things like that in interviews etc etc, I don't see an issue with it. If she was private about it and we just found out, then I'd agree we should keep our mouths shut. But she's not private at all and never has been and if she wants all of that dirty laundry open then she should be open to criticism too. And I don't think things like that count as "mistakes". Mistakes are forgetting to show up to work or being lazy or saying a bad thing to someone in the heat of an argument. But to each their own I guess.
As I've already said judging is different from disapproving: judgement is based on prejudice and conceit, while disapproval includes comprension (not justification) and impartiality. Just because someone is frank and open about their past mistakes, then that doesn't give others the right to judge them, respect and comprension are everyone's right, not only of those who choose to hide their wrongdoings. The real accomplishent in life is not living without making big mistakes, which is impossible, but learning from them and succeding to change, and it's not possible to do it without admitting them first.
We as human change constantly and it may seem strange but it will come a time when even the worst mistakes we've made won't matter much anymore, everyone touched by them will have turned the page and at that point our past don't define us anymore. If someone chooses at some point to share their story to the world it doesn't change anything.
I don't think it's realistic nor right to think that people should "keep their mouths shut", after all we all freely give our opinions and receive other's opinions constantly, but we should also reflect on it and substitute judgement with objective criticism, because we never know what that person we are judging has experienced, what made them do what they've done and become what they are.

The very definition of a mistake in the moral sense is "Regrettable action" and like everything else in life it's not black or white but it's a progression that starts from small accidents like the ones you listed (although I wouldn't classify laziness as a mistake) to much more severe things that to some may seem unforgivable, and in this case indeed as you said "to each their own".
During our life, everything that happens to us changes the way we see things and what we considered right or wrong last year may not still be the same now, so we should be careful on believing our own opinions are universally valid for everyone.
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