Thread: Boston tonight!
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Old 06-29-2017, 05:37 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by nicepace View Post
I was at the Boston show last night, and it was great. Both Lindsey and Christine sounded very good, vocally. The set list was absolutely brilliant. By ending with a beautiful new song (the fabulous "Game of Pretend") INSTEAD of "Songbird," they were making a real statement: "we are NOT Fleetwood Mac, and we don't have to follow the same old set-in-stone format."

The little acoustic set that started the show worked really well. It didn't even really matter which four songs they did (although "Wish You Were Here" was a perfect choice, and performed beautifully); just to see the two of them together on stage was a thrill. And it was obvious they felt the same. There was genuine affection and gratitude flowing between the two of them all night. Did anyone else notice the little joking gestures Lindsey made toward Christine during "Go Your Own Way"? Then he went over and nuzzled up next to her with his guitar as if to say, "Did you get it? Did you get the joke I just made?"

It's true that Lindsey carried more of the lead vocals than Christine, but he does have a stronger voice, and he is used to being the band leader. When she did take the lead vocal, she sounded really good. She was definitely playing real keyboards on several of the songs, including the ethereal "Game of Pretend." There's no reason to suppose that any of the vocals were pre-recorded; after all, there were three other skilled vocalists in the band and they were able to provide all the singing that was needed.

My only disappointment, really, is that they omitted my two favorite songs from the new record ("On With the Show" and "Carnival Begin"), but the ones they DID play were fabulous.

Can anyone supply me the names of the drummer and bass player? I need them if I am going to write a proper review of the show for my website.
This review makes me want to go so badly. I still have weeks to go. DEN/LAS/LAX
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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