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Old 05-10-2017, 06:03 AM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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I received the e-mail with the info for backers, you other beackers should have too, if not check the spam:


Posted by Glenn Aveni (Creator)

Hello friends, backers and US Festival-ers. Glenn here with an Update.

1. BOOKLET - this is an awesome FREE bonus! Some who booked thru our Facebook page(s) know about this, but now I am telling EVERYONE WHO BACKED because I have decided that EVERY BACKER gets a booklet! What is the booklet? It is a 96 page (minimum) 4-color 8 1/2 x 11 keepsake of The US Festival like no other - because it is full of stories and photos FROM YOU - the people who were there! This is free, it is a bonus Reward, no cost to you, no extra shipping.


If you want to submit for inclusion in the booklet, I set up an email account at For stories - 100 words maximum (unless the story is so awesome you need more words). For photos - jpg or pdf format only. Please include 10 words with each photo so we know for sure what we are looking at. I realize some of you may have sent stories and/or images to Kickstarter or Facebook months ago - sorry, you need to re-send them to the website I just mentioned. I cannot guaranty that what you send will be included, some of it is luck as to who sends us something similar, but I can tell you that Backers take first priority. PLEASE DO NOT SEND A HUNDRED PHOTOS - pick the best (up to 6) and limit it to that. Anyone who pledged at the $40 level and above will get a physical booklet, and anyone who pledged at $28 or less - downloads - will get an e-booklet via download. Any questions, feel free to ask here or at the website. But please please - only submit materials through the website and don't forget 10 words on each photo.

IMPORTANT NOTE: even though the artist's rendering above says '82, and even though the film is about '82 - the booklet will cover BOTH years, so stories and photos from '83 are very much welcome.

2. FOOTAGE - very happy to announce we have secured a great flat-rate deal with a major footage house which will allow us to have about 15% more footage from the show than I expected and more bonus footage. This is what we call BRoll, it's everything except the music - crowd shots, crowd interviews, talent interviews, pan shots ... very happy about this.

3. MUSIC - it's easiest to strike deals for music once the first deal is done, so it is best to strike the first deal with the top artist. There are several we could call the top artist, I went with The Police. I don't want to give away too much info, but you will see - in the film - their famous medley of Message in a Bottle into Can't Stand Losing You into Reggatta De Blanc and back to Can't Stand Losing You. More Updates on music and bonus footage soon.

IS THERE A DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THE BOOKLET? Yes. May 31st. You have the month of May. Again - any questions - hit me here or on the website. Submissions only via the website. Web address again ...

- Glenn
Here I am celebrating the clearance deal w The Police
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