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Old 04-17-2017, 05:44 AM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by button-lip View Post
I never insulted anyone. I'm just frustrated, like many people here. I guess it's good to have many places other than this board to vent.
In fact I haven't said that you in particular have insulted anyone (at least from what I've seen since I'm not always here)
I just said that there are many ways to disagree and there have been instances in the past in which disagreements weren't expressed in a healthy way. It's only normal that people were frustrated by this just like you are frustrated by the musical situation.

Originally Posted by button-lip View Post
I'm a leader in my work group and many, many, many times I have to do things by myself. That doesn't mean I'm a bad leader, it means I'm sorrounded by people who doesn't know how to do the job or doesn't want to learn, and there's nothing I can do about it but do the job myself. But then I don't work in a creative environment.

Yeah, of course, money can buy everything, even talent.
I obviously can't know if you're a bad leader, but it seems you have a dysfunctional work place. Of course there are many different types of leadership and none is the best in absolute terms, but it rather depends on the job, the project in question and both the personality and other qualities of the leader and of the different people involved, hoewever creative environments usually suffer from traditional types of leaderships "Top-Down".

I've personally never believed in the concept that "money can buy everything" and "money can buy talent"; money can buy a "service" or a "performance" but can't buy ideas.

Last edited by SisterNightroad; 04-17-2017 at 05:57 AM..
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