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Old 03-19-2017, 04:58 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by elle View Post
well, we are not even sure whether Christine had some plastic surgery recently. that Buckvie pic in the Uncut may have been either airbrushing or just simply botox injection in her forehead. you can definitely still see all the lines under her eyes or around her mouth that come with age.

buck on the other hand, we know had some hair additions since 2011. and while i'm in general not a fan of artificial youth, i'm glad he did it because his natural hairline was starting to look pretty bad.

and i'm not sure what all Stevie has had done, but if you watched Sound City up close in the theater, it was pretty clear who had nothing done vs who had rubbery looking skin like all older performers in vegas usually do.

whatever they do, especially if it's tasteful i'm happy for them, since we all know the cult of youth and beauty in LA and beyond is alive and well.
I will judge the photography. But someone's looks are what they are. It's easier to be a beautiful person than a pretty person. I'm short and stocky.. (you've seen my photos).. I only body shame my close friends... we do it to each other in good spirit..
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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