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Old 03-10-2017, 02:47 PM
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MakerofBirds MakerofBirds is offline
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Originally Posted by DashingDan View Post
I always choose to think that when she now talks about making touring money with Fleetwood Mac, she is speaking as someone who wants to make sure that Mick and John are getting fresh cash in their piggy banks every few years. I think it's now only out of a sense of loyalty and care for John and Mick that she would even consider another 135 shows at 70 years of age. Fire away.
I think this is very true, but it's not just for Mick and John. You have to remember that both Stevie and Fleetwood Mac are the employers of a large group of people. Sharon and Lori (or Marilyn this time around), Waddy, Stevie's makeup and wardrobe people, the roadies, the tour managers, etc., on down the line. For some of these people it's their only career and only chance to make money. Not Waddy, he plays with everyone, but someone like Sharon doesn't. Then let's also remember that Mick has gone bankrupt at least twice. So making a lot of money is never just for her.
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