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Old 01-21-2017, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by James89 View Post
I don't understand at all why she's bringing money into this. She is extremely rich. She even said herself that Landslide has earned her over $7 million and that was a few years ago. What about Edge of Seventeen, Dreams, Sara, Gypsy, Stand Back, all other singles and writing credits, money from advertisements (they pay LOADS), 50% from Bootylicious sales, ALL ALBUM SALES - Solo and FM. ALL CONCERT GROSSES - Solo and FM. I wouldn't like to think how much money she earns/has.

I thought Stevie was better than this. And the fact she even says it in an interview makes it worse. It's not like she's thinking it, she says it!
I don't think it's about making money. But I do think that it's about spending your money, putting in long hours and doing all the work, paying all the people who are part of that work, like the studio technicians, the musicians, the crew that sets up the equipment and all that. It's not like you call a few friends and make an album. It's a hugely expensive process. And it's a lot of work. So do to all that and put it out there only to see that a huge percentage of the music buying public are just going to steal it anyway. It's not about making money, it's about a show of respect. If you say you're a huge fan of someone but you copied all their music and didn't pay them for the time and effort it took them to make it then it's a real slap in the face to them. Regardless of if they are rich or not. And if someone made two or three albums and gave them away for free the money involved could eat up a huge chunk of their savings. So it's not even about not making new money but it's about losing money to make something someone is just going steal. As much as we love Stevie and her creative energy and the magical words she writes, at the end of the day this is a job. If you won the lotto and didn't need money would you still go to work every day for no pay?
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