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Old 01-13-2017, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Why wouldn't they want to involve the others in all the decisions? They're a band. Surely the same could have been said of the songwriters on any other album. Lindsey and Stevie could have called Say You Will Buckingham Nicks 2 but they didnt.
I don't know, I'm not in their heads but it's possible not everyone of them wants to do the same thing now, it wouldn't be the first time. Maybe not everyone wants to do an album without Stevie? Maybe not everyone wants to tour this summer? Maybe not everyone wants to commit fully to the studio for the time being? Or maybe Lindsey and Christine wants to change a bit and they want the freedom to use different musicians for different tracks? Or maybe Lindsey and Christine just wants to experiment an album of which they really are the sole two creators? Maybe they want freedom from the bindings of record companies?

Originally Posted by SteveMacD View Post
It HAS been done before.

Then Play On didn't have any songs featuring Jeremy Spencer, who was one of the frontmen at the time.

Christine has fronted the band with only one other vocalist, Bob Welch.

Lindsey has fronted the band with only one other vocalist, Stevie Nicks. THAT was a weirder use of the Fleetwood Mac name since they had a prior band called Buckingham Nicks.

Lindsey and Christine co-fronted Fleetwood Mac together on five albums.
And they were all unique experiments in their genre. People aren't interchangeable, different members=different dynamics=different music. Otherwise there wouldn't be any difference between the different eras of this band.

Originally Posted by SteveMacD View Post
By not calling it Fleetwood Mac, it deflects attention away from Stevie. If they had called it Fleetwood Mac, Stevie would get a lot of questions about it.

The difference was the end wasn't in sight. This is probably the last big tour, and they want to keep the classic lineup in tact.

Except that a lot of the songs Christine finished were started by Lindsey with Mick and John in 2012 with the intention of having Stevie finish them for what they had hoped would be a new Fleetwood Mac album. We got Extended Play instead.

When Christine came back, she did so to work with her musical family, not just Lindsey.

So, no, band politics is why this won't be called what it really is, Fleetwood Mac.
I highly doubt Stevie won't get questions this way.
And the end of Fleetwood Mac was avoided by a breath in the 90's if it wasn't for the Clinton inauguration and The Dance, everyone thought the classic line-up and probably the band were to die at the time.
I just don't think at this point they really care so much about band politics.

Last edited by SisterNightroad; 01-13-2017 at 04:58 PM..
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