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Old 12-15-2016, 03:10 PM
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HomerMcvie HomerMcvie is offline
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Location: Nashville, Tennessee
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Originally Posted by SisterNightroad View Post
What is the Great Ledge Implosion?
I really want to know, I was too young then to be here.
It was really clique-y back then. We became a group of friends even outside the Ledge, having parties and going to FM shows.

(the following is ONLY my opinion, nothing more)

And our strength as friends was obvious, and the sarcasm was over the top sometimes(because we knew each other, personally).

Then along came this young poster, who posted constantly. He would start multiple threads on the same topic, all within minutes! He was warned by mods, and mocked by members, for doing so, and yet he continued.

Then, one of the mods essentially gave him carte blanche, and told us all that he could do as he liked, and strikes would be given to anyone complaining about it. So of course he continued...and things felt more heated. The pot kept boiling....

Then one night, a member privately asked us all to make this picture(the back side of a horse - yes, a horse's ass - even though it wasn't a "dirty" pic[no anus or anything]) our signature pic. Well, like 35 of us did it. I wasn't even sure WHY we were doing it, but I was part of the group, so I did it(it was making fun of a moderator-ironically, NOT the "carte blanche" mod).

So the next morning, about 30 of us were banned from the Ledge(I believe it was for 30 days). Strangely, 3-4 people weren't banned for the pic, so the fact that a select few weren't included in the ban, obviously didn't sit well.

So immediately, a private message board was started, where we all bitched incessantly about the mods, and mocking memes were made, concerning the young poster.

Back to the ban, after about 3 days, the ban was lifted, and we all got an apology from the "head mod", that he overreacted. Well, for some, it was a little too little, a little too late. I personally stayed away for about 3 years. All I did was put a picture of a horse as my sig!!! I have the apology saved as a word doc to this day.

Because in all our opinions, the mods were out of hand. They'd taken a place we worshiped, and turned it into their own vision, all for the sake of giving some extremely annoying kid free reign to do whatever he wished.

The private board went on for several years. IDK if it still exists or not, because another member and I left the group. Turns out there IS such a thing as being too snarky and hateful. It was fun for a while, but the negativity got too dark, and it just felt like hate, being there. Again, that board was completely private, so it was "anything goes" there. A snitch was eventually found, and that board was shut down, and another started. I could go on and on, but you get the gist...
Christine McVie- she radiated both purity and sass in equal measure, bringing light to the music of the 70s. RIP. - John Taylor(Duran Duran)
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