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Old 11-28-2016, 07:14 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by michelej1 View Post
The term shipper originated with the X-Files. I was a Mulder and Scully shipper and I've been a strong Stevie and Lindsey shipper, too, but at this point, I think whatever romantic feelings SnL had for each other are long gone. I haven't always thought that and I used to read the lyrics of new Stevie and Lindsey songs with great enthusiasm looking for references to each other and swooning a bit.

I don't think there's anything wrong with shipping. The reason that it became ridiculous on this board is that a small contingent of people became overly sensitive and, in my view, delusional. If you said something like Lindsey missed Christine when she was away, they were enraged and would say don't try to make false equivalencies between Lindsey's relationship with Christine and his relationship with Stevie. [Which is funny, because I've raged about the media making false equivalencies in this campaign we've all just been through, LOL].

Or when we got to discussing song lyrics it wasn't up for interpretation. They'd say, "it can't mean anything else EXCEPT this ...." and I just thought it became insane. There were only a few people involved, but they were spoiling the entire topic. I loved the romance myself, but the fans were making the subject psychotic and impossible to discuss.

Wow, how long has it been since that?
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