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Old 10-10-2016, 04:12 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Nathan, I have just one thing to say both for Cricket and Prof. Elias: New fave=Instant kill. Seriously it's like watching Game of Thrones.

Finally I got the time and I actually remembered about the last new episodes. First of all, I really liked them.

I've seen some articles online this time around that had some interesting theories.
The first is that, since Ryan Murphy stated that this series will change drastically from episode 6, and we already know from some leaked pictures from the set that the 4th wall will be broken then, it could be that after the 6th episode we will finally have our opening theme.
The second is that every episode of this season until now had a connection with the AHS season with the corresponding number, and from the 6th episode the real 6th season will begin and its real theme will be revealed. Obviously the most obvious connections were the story of the couple moving to a new house to overcome a miscarriage in the 1st episode, the theme of abusive treatment by the nurses in the 2nd episode and the magic and paranormal theme brought by the psychic in the 3rd. But I had seen in episode 3 that there was a precise and "blink and you'll miss it" clue: Cricket the medium affirmed to have been arrived from New Orleans, the city of season 3, Coven. And in this last 4th episode the mysteriously disappeared constructor of the ancient house has been mentioned, Edward Philippe Mott, that has the same surname of Dandy Mott from season 4, Freak Show.
Now, this whole theory is a bit stretched, but I think that there surely have been more "blink and you'll miss it" clues like these ones during the other episodes, and they have a specific meaning to connect the seasons between themselves.

I like Thomasyn White's character. She's ruthless and she has charisma, actually much more than Lady Gaga's character, that I've discovered is named Scathach. But I have to say that this time her character is much more interesting, somewhat ethereal and she's doing a better job with it.
The voice of the interviewer that now has been heard twice isn't new to me but I'm not sure who it is, maybe it's Cheyenne Jackson as many seem to think.
I was seriously upset by those retarded kids, where do they come from? And the Polks that were masturbating before Lady Gaga that was practically raping Cuba Gooding Jr.(another really upsetting scene)?

I've seen from the date shown on the PC of Cuba Gooding Jr.'s character that this season is set in 2014, so it's interesting to note that it is simultaneous with Coven. Another interesting thing to note is that the car driver of the medium Cricket is called Rhett Snow, maybe a relative of Myrtle Snow?
I really appreciated the Pigman's attack sequence, it was completely similar to how its legend was portrayed in Murder House.
I can't wait to see how the Dying Grass Moon events will end.

Last edited by SisterNightroad; 10-11-2016 at 11:57 AM..
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