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Old 10-07-2016, 07:46 PM
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For what it's worth, I was not attempting to "troll" or stir up negativity with my comments - I was simply reacting to what I observed whilst watching Stevie's latest tv appearance. I thought she looked great (for her age) on AGT and Ellen so was ill-prepared for her appearance last night. Just in a matter of days (between Ellen and the Late, Late Show) she went from looking radiant to, shall we say, less than radiant (in my opinion, of course).
None of this really matters anyway and if you re-read my previous post, I was actually commenting more on the lighting. I maintain there was a drastic difference between how well-lit she was on Ellen and the harsh lighting of last night's interview. Once again, she's 68 and I actually don't place any real value in her appearance, but I believe she does and that she would have perhaps been disappointed watching the interview segment back. Remember, we're talking about a woman who has had extensive cosmetic surgery, all manner of fillers, hair extensions and generally only wears black due to self-esteem issues surrounding her weight (which by the way I've never understood - I like her with a bit of meat on).
I did find her interview comments and interactions last night to be embarrassing and not in the least amusing, but that's just my opinion once again. She seemed kind of gormless and smug - not a winning combination in my book. However, I seem to be in the minority regarding how she acquitted herself, which ultimately is entirely subjective. I guess I just don't feel the need to kiss her arse on all occasions...
I did enjoy the performance of "Leather & Lace", particularly with the girls' harmonies, as I've always preferred the 1981 live version to the released duet. It's a shame she tends to favour bellowing instead of subtlety these days, but you can't have everything. (Did I spy that evil vocal coach on the couch of her dressing room? Unfortunately, he seems to be a permanent fixture these days.)
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