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Old 09-02-2016, 03:43 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Default American Horror Story 6

At the end of season 5 I had decided that I was jaded with Ryan Murphy and this series, and while I would probably have watched it I didn't want to get too hyped up. But, for the first time since season 2, Ryan Murphy decided to keep silent and leave some mystery in the season's theme, which I approve totally and gives me hope.

Now, about this year's season we know:
  1. This season has two themes and both concern children
  2. The logo is a question mark blended with a 6
  3. It is set mainly in two periods, in the present with flashbacks from the past
  4. Photos taken from the set show a tree with the writing "CROATOAN" on the trunk and a farmhouse from the colonial era
  5. Only one of the teasers they've released is true, the other are misdirections
  6. Sarah Paulson's character will be a "Real. Live. Human."
  7. We'll see further explanations of how the seasons are linked together
  8. It will premiere on September the 14th
  9. All the teasers released for now "quoted" a classic horror movie, with the exception of the one called "Wind Chimes".

These are all the teasers released until now:

Last edited by SisterNightroad; 09-09-2016 at 02:01 PM..
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