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Old 09-01-2016, 09:44 AM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by estranged4life View Post
Had yet another trip under the knife yesterday (EGD w/biopsy) to see what is going on with my throat - (that makes 3 procedures/surgeries since July 1st.

On the positive side, still lining things up to attend nursing school in January 2017 - The "Boss" Alisa (My wife) is also planning a medical career (The irony is she has a BA in Accounting, but the IDIOTS here in the US "somehow" treat an immigrant from Russia as if they do not have ANY TYPE of education...thus she has to get a GED just to get things ROLLING here education wise).
I hope it's nothing serious with all these surgeries...
However I feel you with all these boundaries with education. During high-school I payed extra to have some international certificate exams and classed for English and it turned out not only they aren't recognized internationally in many countries but even in many national universities. That's mainly the Universities fault, but it's scandalous. And secondly it's the Ministry of Education's fault, instead of valuing instruction they depreciate it and waste money.
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