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Old 12-15-2015, 10:29 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is online now
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Originally Posted by KenB View Post
I do, yes. For me, WTWCT is a great, fun song to sing along with -- a catchy, melodic, albeit rather lightweight way to start the album. I enjoy it much more than Miranda or Come.

I don't actually hate Miranda or Come; I just don't find that I return to them often. Come is a very ambitious song -- its complicated arrangement and intense emotion are impressive, but for me it doesn't fit with the rest of Say You Will AT ALL. It would have made more sense on one of Lindsey's solo albums. It's so clearly a song that Stevie would hate, and that lacks a place for her to take part in musically, that there's just nothing Fleetwood Mac-ish about it.

Miranda isn't awful; I like Lindsey's guitar in it, but the melody feels monotone and a bit boring.
Fair enough.... we have different ideas about FMac.. but that's the norm..
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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